02 March 2013

Introductions: What is this podcast page?

There are no other introductions necessary for this beginning post except that I’m Eka and I’ve started doing podcast reviews around September of 2011 which was also the 25th anniversary of the Watchmen release and that’s basically what my first podcast was about. I was reviewing Alan Moore’s graphic novel masterpiece and it was bi-weekly which meant that each chapter review of the Watchmen comics was posted every two weeks and I’m still currently working on that project and about halfway through. So anyway, this blogger site will be composed of several other podcast reviews on literature that I enjoy but I’ll be starting on comic books. As soon as I finish the Watchmen project, I’ll get started on another novel which is yet to be decided. The entries below provide the WM podcast and linked to my podomatic site.

I suppose you all want to get to know me first. I don’t claim any high credibility as a podcast reviewer. But as far as formality goes, you can call me Eka. I’m a Filipino. I’m twenty-two years old. I’m a fourth year college student taking up Broadcast Journalism and the associate editor for my school’s official paper. I’m a geek of sorts. I love books, anime, and TV shows. I consume about 80 TV series currently and I’ve read more than a hundred books of different genres, except for Young Adult. After graduation, I plan to work in print media, particularly on magazines like National Geographic or Discovery Channel and my career goal is to become a war correspondent or to write about anything to do with military explorations or unexplored territories around the world. That’s the dream. I’m still getting there and in the meantime, I’m doing podcast reviews on greatest literature ever written and some personal favorites as well.

What you’ll expect in subscribing to Reading with Eka are comprehensive examinations on graphic novels and other books. I’ll usually select literature that are well-received and critically-acclaimed and were groundbreaking of their genre. My Watchmen chapter reviews are also available at podomatic.com and at LiveJournal (ekakwentista.podomatic.com and read-wm-with-eka.livejournal.com respectively).

If you have any feedback or criticism, please email me at readingwitheka@gmail.com. and you’ll have a ready response from me anytime. Again, I’m Eka, and I hope you enjoy!

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