01 October 2011

WATCHMEN: Chapter 1; "No more laughs around these days"

01 Introduction
02 Visual Examination
03 Plot Placing and Development
04 Characterization
05 Dialogue
06 Quote Reference
07 Closing 

"Strangers" for Opening
"Wonders of the World" for Intro remarks
"The Force of Gravity" for breaks 

"Prologue" while reviewing
"Desolation Row" by Bob Dylan for Closing

*audio clips courtesy of Watchmen Motion Comics
  • This chapter review runs 30:37 including instrumental tracks.
  • In the Introduction segment, I discussed how I divided the review into five categories as named above, as well as my general first impressions in browsing through the graphic novel.
  • I talked needlessly about the color schemes, panel layout and symbols by Visual Examination. This is actually a discussion on the technical aspects of the GN as employed by Dave Gibbons and his colorist Mike Higgins. There will be more of this in the next chapters because Watchmen has a very peculiar art style and I enjoy exploring that.
  • Plot cannot be taken for granted, obviously, and pacing and development are a critical stage in the first chapter. It determines how it will hook the reader and sustain that interest.
  • My favorite category, of course, is the Characterization. Moore knows how to write his characters well and Watchmen is composed of archetypes that represent moral philosophies, from what I understand since this is a deconstruction story.
  • Ah, what I love about Moore prose is the layered Dialogue he employs. So I consider this a noteworthy feature as well.
  • I personally like it when series apply song lyrics to deliver a meaningful message and Moore definitely makes most of that in his ending phrases for the Quote Reference.
  • I would include audio clips from the Motion Comics especially on important dialogue.
I'm still testing the ropes for this podcast. I make sure that while doing a recording, I have a draft script ready for each category so the podcast will be both rehearsed and spontaneous. I credit music appropriately, and most of the instrumental tracks are anime-sponsored :p I don't have an RSS for podcast yet because I haven't downloaded I-Tunes (and not really sure how to use it for now). Also, most free hosting sites are limited in MB downloads so for now, the mp3 files are linked to the podomatic site where I primarily uploaded the podcast reviews. It has a limit of 500 MB, however, so I may have to find a new way to utilize more space.

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