08 October 2011

WATCHMEN: Chapter 2: "I think it's freakin' hilarious!"

01 Introduction
02 Visual Examination/Plot Placing & Development
03 Characterization/Dialogue
04 Quote Reference
05 Closing
"Strangers" for Opening
"Wonders of the World" for Intro remarks
"The Force of Gravity" for breaks 

"Prologue" while reviewing
"The Comedians" by Elvis Costello 
and Roy Orbison for Closing
*audio clips courtesy of Watchmen Motion Comics 
  • This chapter review runs 57:11 including instrumental tracks. I enjoyed myself way too much with this one since I considered this chapter to be an instant favorite.
  • I started to combine segments at this point because I noticed symmetrical proportions between the visual element and plot of this chapter. While I'm reviewing the visual look, I'm also jumping through the plot at the same time. I'm not sure why; but it turned out coherent, not to worry. I think this is where the podcast got extended because I discussed every scene and my interpretations in great length. Quite exhaustive and will possibly induce an earache. I apologize in advance.
  • Once again, I combined two segments and it still made sense. Characters have evolved very briskly by this chapter and their dialogue exchanges are so layered. I really enjoyed the development among these so-called superheroes and how their insecurities and motivations are gradually being unveiled but they still remain concealed. It's both irritating and exhilarating to read.
  • What a beautiful choice of song. The poignancy does not escape me. It wraps up the chapter perfectly. I chose two versions of the song to play.
The chapter is so impressive that it can stand alone by itself. The prose is filled with metaphors that are so aligned with each other it's almost diabolically enchanting. Every aspect--from the visuals and narratives to the dialogue and characters--are executed with such precise ingenuity that any reader who isn't intrigued by or in love with the graphic novel itself at this point must be dead inside. Moore knows how to balance intellectual stimulation and emotional responses. Gibbons and Higgins bring these qualities out through an artwork so brutally enlightening in the canvas. I love everything about this chapter indeed.

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