23 October 2011

WATCHMEN: Chapter 3; "We gotta look out for each other"

01 Introduction
02 Visual Examination 
03 Plot Placing and Development 
04 Characterization 
05 Dialogue 
06 Quote Reference 
07 Closing 
"L's Theme B" for Opening, 
Intro remarks and breaks 
"L's Theme A" while reviewing 
"Illuminated" by Hurts for Closing

  • This chapter review runs 49:24 including instrumental tracks.
  • Introduction is shortened which included opening remarks. I announced myself in :p
  • I included a segment for feedback because of two fanmails I received (but it won't be constant, I believe). I read and answered them in this segment. Thank you for the insights and suggestions, dearest listeners. Keep those fanmail coming.
  • We carry on with Visual Examination and here I discussed the "splicing" method employed by Gibbons in the panel layout and sequencing of events. This is also where Tales of the Black Freighter comes in and it added more weight to the visual impact of the story.
  • Same splicing can also be seen in the way Moore wrote the prose of this chapter as noticeable in the Plot Pacing and Development portion. Lots of panels overlap, particularly ones that include the TBF narratives. The POV isn't Rorschach anymore and it's quite a refreshing take because Moore has expanded the scope of perspectives, introducing sideline characters that will compose the ensemble as the story evolves.
  • There is a trinity involved (or a possible love triangle?) among Dr. Manhattan, Dan and Laurie as I've mentioned in the Characterization aspect. The chapter seemed to focus on their relationships and interactions. I appreciate the sideline characters as well. Moore did a fantastic job with them.
  • Dialogue sounded very sophisticated here. Lots of jargon but it doesn't compromise the integrity of the prose itself. There's more breadth at this point.
  • A Bible quote for a Quote Reference and boy did I have fun interpreting this one!
  • No song lyrics this time so I selected a song that captures the mood of this chapter.
This is a vexing chapter that hurt my eyes and made me glance back a few pages to comprehend the next. I was challenged and that's a good thing because it means Moore and Gibbon have stepped up their game (and shit's about to get real). I had to commend Moore for his POV character. He was more relatable than Rorschach. But I might miss the paranoid SOB so I hope to read him again soon.

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